Dr. Kevin Lowe
Dr. Kevin Lowe
Physical Rehabilitation Specialist
Professional Background
As a Rehabilitation Consultant in major public teaching hospitals and in private practice over many years, Dr Kevin Lowe has diagnosed and treated many complex conditions, including musculoskeletal, spinal problems, cerebral palsy, and other disorders of movement. He has extensive expertise in Physical Rehabilitation Medicine, employing non-surgical therapies to treat various conditions.
Education and Training
Dr Lowe graduated with MBBS (Hons) from the University of New South Wales. Initial post graduate training was in Internal Medicine. He also travelled overseas for an extended period to learn Acupuncture and became Fellow of the International College of Acupuncture. He went on to earn Fellow in General Practice and Medical Acupuncture, Fellow in Paediatric Medicine and Fellow in Rehabilitation Medicine (the Royal Australasian College of Physicians).Â
Research and Innovative Therapies
He has a long interest in use of Functional Electrical Stimulation using surface and implanted electrical stimulators to enhance rather than suppress or ablate muscle and nerve activation. He oversaw the first implanted Phrenic Nerve stimulator in a child with a spinal cord injury in conjunction with Professor Gandevia at NeuRA (Neuroscience Research Australia). He became a member of the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine. He also researched the use of Foot Drop surface stimulators following training at the UK National Clinical Function Electrical Stimulation Centre with the aid of Professor Ian Swain (Director). This was to improve walking in children with cerebral palsy. Dr Lowe was a member of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) for many years. Dr Lowe continues his interest in the use of electrical stimulation including using acupuncture needles as disposable electrodes (Medical Acupuncture).
Dr Lowe’s interest and use of Photobiomodulation (low-level laser therapy – LLLT) to assist in healing, dates to 1981. He attended the first Australian Low Power Medical Laser Symposium in June 1988. He has been a member of World Association for Ph0tobiomodulation Therapy (WALT) and Australian Medical Laser Association (AMLA) now Australian Medical Photobiomodulation Association (AMPA), for many years.
Dr Lowe’s interest in Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma therapy dates to 2009. He has undertaken Orthopedic Medicine training in the USA and is Board Certified with the American Academy of Orthopedic Medicine (AAOM). He is also Board Certified in Hyperbaric Medicine through the International Board of Undersea Medicine.
Major Teaching Hospital Roles
Dr Lowe held positions in major Teaching Hospital departments and state-wide programmes, including the Royal North Shore Hospital Spinal Injury Unit, and the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Outreach Program.
Dr Lowe was foundational in the Rehabilitation Department at Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick, where he served initially as Director of the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program, then as Head of Department from 1996 to 2006. He set up pioneering programmes in Botulinum Toxin therapy and was the first Medical Director of the NSW State-Wide Motion Analysis Service, a collaboration that he set up between Sydney Children’s Hospital and UNSW. He was also Director of the Cerebral Palsy Service at Sydney Children’s Hospital.
Academic Appointment and Ongoing Commitment
Dr Lowe was also Conjoint Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine University of New South Wales (UNSW) from 1995 until his retirement from Sydney Children’s Hospital in 2018.
Dr Lowe’s commitment to ongoing research, teaching, and advanced diagnostics (including musculoskeletal ultrasound) underscored his dedication to improving patient outcomes.Â
Dr Lowe continues to combine his medical expertise and evidence-based non-surgical therapies to provide a holistic approach to patient care.
MBBS (Hons) Completion at UNSW
- Graduated with MBBS (Hons) from the University of New South Wales (UNSW).
- Trained at major teaching hospitals in Sydney and overseas.
- Developed a particular interest in non-surgical therapies.
- Acquired Australian and overseas qualifications in Medical Acupuncture; became a Fellow of the Australian Medical Acupuncture College.
- Developed a strong interest in Photobiomodulation (Low-Level Laser Therapy) and began treating patients with this therapy.
- Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) and Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (RACP)
- Completed post graduate diploma in musculoskeletal medicine, University of Otago
- Completed training in Adult Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, and Adult & Paediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
Staff Specialist, Royal North Shore Spinal Injuries Unit
Staff SpecialistÂ
Staff Specialist at Sydney Children’s Hospital & Conjoint Lecturer, University of New South Wales
- Director of the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program then Head of Rehabilitation Department (1996–2006)
- Master of Health AdministrationÂ
- Created the Botulinum Toxin Programme (1998) and the NSW State Wide Motion Analysis Service (Director, 1998–2008)
- Member of European and North American Gait and Motion Analysis Societies
- Member of American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM)
- Director of the Cerebral Palsy Service (2004 to 2013)
- Principal/Co-Investigator on research projects involving Botulinum Toxin and neuromodulation
- Trained in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (Australian, American, and European associations), including accredited AAOM training
Present Day
Rehabilitation Consultant private practice, Barker Street Specialists
Dr Kevin Lowe established Barker Street Specialists and has been practising over 40 years
A Message From Dr Kevin Lowe
"I have always been fascinated by the complexity of the human body and the incredible potential of medicine to not only prevent illness, but to heal, restore, and enhance quality of life."
"At the interface of physical pain, you encounter intricate biological systems and ever-advancing treatment methods.
Integrating multiple therapeutic approaches can lead to better outcomes than using a single therapy alone. The motivation for all my training has been to develop the necessary skill and expertise to combine these various therapies to provide a more comprehensive, effective and personalised treatment approach.
There is always more to learn..."
Qualifications & Memberships
Dr Lowe has a number of Specialist qualifications. His Professional Associations and Memberships include but are not limited to:
Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery
Fellow International College of Acupuncture
Fellow of The Australian Medical Acupuncture College
Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Master of Health Administration University of NSW
Postgraduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine University of Otago
Certified Fine Wire Electromyography - San Diego Gait Laboratory
World Association of Photobiomodulation Therapy WALT
Over 15 Years
Board Certified American Association of Orthopedic Medicine
Australian Medical Photobiomodulation Association AMPA (formerly AMLA)
Over 15 Years
American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine
Australian Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine AAMM
Over 25 Years
Board Certified in Hyperbaric Medicine in the United States
Schedule Your Appointment with Dr. Lowe Today
A referral from your GP or another Specialist Doctor is required for your initial consultation